Paint Scheme

To select a paint design we looked around on the internet did not find any designs that we liked. We want something modern and different looking than the standard swooping lines. Mike Ojo recommended using Jonathan McCormick from PlaneSchemer.

We decided on a metallic gray base coat, with an orange/red top. The concept behind the design is that the wind is blowing off some of the base coat, revealing the underlying orange/red with some accents thrown in

Here was the initial design, by Jonathan, but too many people commented that it looked "military" or "camouflage", so we changed the colors to avoid that.


  1. love it! le pondría un touch + de rojo.

    1. Gracias Flor!!! El Concepto original es de La discusión del rojo esta super abierta (es probable que sea un poco mas tirando al naranja - color de Holanda, país del que es originario Arthur).


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